We’ve been reviewed and interviewed
Releasing a book like Tethered hasn’t been easy. It was David and Lindsay’s first book and Danny’s second. It’s not a simple and straight-forward story. The pitch “an existentialist zombie book” always felt weird to say because we weren’t sure how interested people would be in that kind of coverage. Our worry was unfounded, Since we released Tethered, digitally and then physically, we’ve received some extremely flattering reviews. We thought we’d share those with you now.
The Comic Bastards
“With that we should ask some questions about Tethered. Is it good? Does the genre need it? The answer is yes, absolutely. In fact the genre needs more Tethered and less of that other stuff.”
“Tethered is a completely different take on the idea of zombies, and one met with the descriptive voice of David Faroz Precht and the killer artwork of Danny Luckert.”
Nerds of a Kind
Nerds of a Kind video interview at Rose City Comic Con
There are also some great reviews on Amazon, where you can also order a copy.